Blitz Movie
Blitz is an upcoming thriller movie directed by Elliott Lester and based on the novel of the name by Ken Bruen. The film is starring Jason Statham and Paddy Considine. there's no official release date yet, but since the film is already in post-production we may hope a 2010 release.
Here's a first look at Jason Statham and Paddy Considine on the set of the movie Blitz:
(Click on the picture to enlarge.)
"The South East London police squad are down and out: Detective Sergeant Brant (Jason Statham) is in hot water for assaulting a police shrink, Chief Inspector Roberts' wife has died in a horrific car accident, and WPC Falls is still figuring out how to navigate her job as a black female investigator in the notorious unit. When a serial killer takes his show on the road, things get worse for all three. Nicknamed 'The Blitz' by the rabid London media, the killer is aiming for tabloid immortality by killing cops in different beats around the city."
While Jason Statham plays the role of Detective Sergeant Brant, a sociopathic wrecking machine of a cop, Paddy Considine plays Sergeant Porter Nash, an openly gay cop that works with the homophobic Brant. Sounds like a great team to me!
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